Tuesday, May 11, 2010

List of Medical Careers

The medical field has broadened. There are now fields of specialization so if you haven’t yet chosen what you want to pursue, perhaps you should browse through the medical a list of medical careers. To give you some idea, here are a few.

1. When someone is injured, we are taught to dial 911 and wait until help arrives. The one that comes through the door is a EMT or emergency medical technician whose job is to stabilize the patient until they reach the hospital.

The EMT uses special equipment like a backboard to immobilize the patient if they are seriously injured to the regular stretcher. They always work in teams. One EMT drives the ambulance while the other stays in the back to monitor the patient. Some EMT’s are even part of the flight crew of a medical evacuation team.

Once they reach the hospital, they have to inform the doctor the current situation and then let them take it from there.

2. If you want to help someone with their eyesight, you can become an optometrist. Their job is to examine the vision of the patient and then prescribe eyeglasses or contact lenses. They may also prescribe medication as part of vision therapy and low vision rehabilitation.

People should not be confused between the optometrist and the ophthalmologist because this person does not more than just hand out corrective lenses. They perform eye surgery so the person may see again like those who are suffering from glaucoma and other eye diseases.

3. If you like to work in a hospital or clinic side by side with a doctor, then perhaps you can choose to become a practical nurse. Their job is to care the convalescent, disabled, injured and sick. This is done by making the rounds and checking on the vital signs of the patient including the blood pressure, pulse and respiration.

They will also administer injection, enemas, monitor catheters, treat bedsores, give massages, apply dressings and a host of other things as instructed by the doctor. If another test is needed, they will collect samples. Depending on what state they are in, they may be allowed to prescribe medicines or start intravenous fluids.

4. People who have a hard time speaking or pronouncing words will feel better after they are treated by a speech language pathologists better known as a speech therapists. These individuals assess, diagnose and treat those who have speech and communication disorders.

These speech problems may be caused by a brain injury, cerebral palsy, developmental delays, hearing impairment, language difficulties or a stroke. Given that each patient is different, the specialist will have to develop an individualized plan of care in order for it to work.

The end result is for the person to be able to make sounds, improve their voice and most importantly increase their language skills so they are able to communicate more effectively.

There are many opportunities in the medical field. You just have to find something you like and then take the proper courses in order to be certified. While some of the jobs mentioned you can do for the rest of your life, there are others that you can’t.

But if you still want to help people, go through the list of medical careers again and make that career shift.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Medical Careers

People who choose to go for a medical career want to help people fight their illnesses. But since not everyone is qualified to be a doctor, there are other positions you can fill.

1. Some people have difficulty with their sense of hearing so they go and meet an audiologist. When a patient comes in, they try to find the source of the problem followed by treatment that may include cleaning the air canal, fitting and dispensing hearing aids, fitting and tuning cochlear implants and audiologic rehabilitation.

Those who want to become an audiologist will have to get a master’s degree in Audiology but this will soon change as the requirement will now be clinical doctoral degree. They must also pass the national examination given the Educational Testing Service or ETS; perform 300 to 375 hours of supervised clinical experience and 9 months of post graduate professional clinical experience.

2. Remember those people working in the drug store giving you medicine once you present a prescription? Those people behind the counter are called pharmacists. These individuals must first graduate from an accredited college and pass the state examination.

Having done so, they can already dispense drug and even provide information about their proper usage. In some cases, they advise doctors and other health professionals on the dosages, interactions, selection and side effects of medications.

The job of a pharmacist involves a lot of sacrifice as you have to work on holidays and weekends as drug stores are open 7 days a week and in some places, 24 hours a day. They may also find work in a mental institution, nursing home or neighborhood clinic.

3. Another job that will enable you to work hand in hand with a doctor is by being a dietitian. Their job is to tell a patient what to eat in order to lose weight or simply to promote better eating habits.

Nutritionists also fall under this category. Both individuals must have a bachelor’s degree in dietetics, food and nutrition or food service management systems. The dietitian may start their own practice and network with doctors; find employment in nursing homes, small hospitals or in a correctional facility to manage the food service department.

4. When you go for a medical checkup in a clinic or hospital, the person that will doing the testing is a laboratory technician. These individuals personally examine your body fluids, tissues and cells to see if there are any bacteria, parasites or other microorganisms that pose a danger to the patient.

They use state of the art machines like electronic microscopes, cell counters and other gadgets making their work less hands on and more analytical. If you want to pursue a medical career in this field, you must have a bachelor’s degree in medical technology. You will report to a clinical technologist or a laboratory manager.

There are other medical careers you can pursue aside from the four mentioned. You should do some research first if this is really something you want to do, go to school and then fulfill that dream. If at some point you want to shift somewhere else, go ahead and do so because there are other things you can do.

You can take on another job still in the medical field like assisting doctors in medical research.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Job Descriptions for Medical Careers

The medical field is one of the fastest growth sector these days and experts say that this trend may continue to hold true for several years to come. Given this, there is a strong demand for individuals to fill these jobs. Below is a list of some job descriptions for medical careers helpful for individuals looking to launch their career in a growing stable environment.

Medical Assistantship Medical assistants play a vital role in the healthcare business as they serve and fulfill different administrative and clerical roles needed in different healthcare facilities. The job of the medical assistant is to take care of the details like bookkeeping, filling out and managing patient charts and files, arranging appointments and sometimes performing basic in-house medical procedures like taking care of sutures and dressing bandages.

Medical assistants must have good communication skills and must be skilled enough in dealing with people to allow them to put patients at ease whether they are calling in or paying a visit to the clinic.

While some medical assistants move on to become nurses, many of them are happy and fulfilled to stay as medical assistants for years.

Surgical Technologist A surgical technologist or technician is a healthcare professional that assists a physical during surgical procedures. They perform different tasks during different phases of a surgical procedure. Before an operation, they prepare the operating room by assisting the surgical team, taking responsibility for the necessary items and supplies needed for surgery.

During surgery, it is the surgical technologist or technician that passes equipment, supplies and instruments needed to the surgeon. Aside from this, they also prepare medications, handle specimens and assist with dressings and sutures. The work of the job technician doesn't end with the surgical procedure. After surgery, the surgical technologist makes sure that the equipment, instruments and used materials are properly taken cared of to ensure the integrity of the sterile environment of the operating area for each incoming patient.

For the most part, surgical technologists can be found in the hospital setting but they are not limited to this. Surgical technologists can opt to choose to build their careers in private medical offices with specific areas of specialization that will suit their interests. For instance, they can choose private medical offices that focus on pediatrics, cardiology, physical therapy and many more.

This job is well suited for individuals that can handle pressure and can think on their feet with the added bonus of not having to work in a regular 9-5 office setting.

Medical Transcription A medical transcriptionists job is to transcribe previously recorded patient data into a hard copy. It isn't always possible for healthcare professionals to diligently fill out forms and charts for patient data, histories and notes so they first make a tape recording of this and the medical transcriptionists review this vocal recording and make a hard copy for use later on.

Naturally, it would be very helpful for the medical transcriptionist if he or she has existing knowledge of anatomy, general physiology and medical terms to be able to do the job more effectively.

Medical transcription is for individuals looking to build a career in the medical field on a task that allows for flexible schedules while being well compensated.

If you feel that any of these job descriptions for medical careers fit your taste and background then you may just decide to pursue a fulfilling career in the healthcare field.

Hot Medical Field Careers

You've heard right—there are medical field careers that are up for grabs for individuals looking to advance their careers in high growth sector. What's more is that there are different types of jobs available to suit particular needs, interests and preferences. Below are some of the hot medical field careers for individuals looking to switch or advance their careers.

Diagnostic Technicians (Sonogrphers) Sonographers are trained and learned in performing ultrasound procedures on patients that require diagnostic examinations. Whether the sonographer chooses a specialized job in pediatrics or other medical fields, he or she must be trained on vascular ultrasound to be able to correctly understand the physiology and physical anatomy of scanned organs and organ systems. This will allow them to come up with technical assistance to help the physician perform correct interpretations of the examination.

It is very important for sonographers to know how to correctly log technical results and be able to make preliminary evaluations to help the physician make a proper diagnosis. Naturally, attention to detail and the ability to work under pressure is a requirement for individuals that decide to become sonographers.

The sonographer can go the extra mile and work on their bedside manner which is very important in putting the patient at ease during examinations. If you choose to acquire the necessary training and development to become a sonographer be sure to choose institutions that are accredited by the Commission for Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs. It is also recommended that sonographers take the Registeres Diagnostic Medical Sonographer exam because passing this test will enhance one's employment opportunities.

Medical Assistants Medical Assistants provide the necessary assistance and service to healthcare professionals by performing clerical, administrative and basic clinical duties. They serve as the warm welcome to patients over the phone or in the medical facility as they perform front desk duties. Aside from this, they take care of patient and doctor appointments as well as patient records, bookkeeping and basic in-house clinical services like cleaning and dressing wounds.

For an added edge and for better employment opportunities, medical assistants may decide to undergo training for medical billings and coding as well to be better equipped to handle billing practices and other systems particularly designed for the medical field and healthcare service institutions.

Individuals in the area of medical assistantship may also decide to use this job as a springboard to advance their career into being a nurse. The experience and learning from being a medical assistant is useful in pursuing a career track for nurses.

On the other hand, a lot of medical assistants stay in this position because it pays well, it's a stable job and it has its own merits to offer personal and professional fulfillments to an individual.

Pharmacy Technician A Pharmacy Technician is a healthcare professional that aids the pharmacist in medication preparations, billings and inventory among other things. The pharmacy technician is in charge of maintaining patient records when needed; taking care of inventory by recording, managing and ordering stock supplies; as well as preparing and dispensing medications.

This is definitely one of the hot medical field careers available to individuals who want to pursue this particular sector and interest. Not everyone can be a doctor but now with the demand for people to fill out jobs in the medical field, almost anyone can be in the healthcare sector helping people.

Build Your Career as a Medical Assistant

Many people are now considering building their career in the medical field. The medical field is one of the most fast growing sectors these days because of the great demand for excellent health care services brought about by the fact that the country's economy and growth are dependent on good quality healthcare services. One particularly promising option for individuals looking at opportunities in the medical field is a career as a medical assistant.

Demand for medical assistants are at an all time high as more and more opportunities for quality healthcare outfits are propping up in response to the need of a growing population with specialized needs. A medical assistant will be find a job in a doctor's clinic, in outpatient services, in therapy clinics and any other facility that provides healthcare.

If you are thinking of applying for a job in the medical field, you may want to consider a career as a medical assistant. Below are some helpful information to help you find out more about this job, what it entails and if this is the right choice for you.

Are you cut out to be a medical assistant? If you at least have a high school diploma, possess a pleasant personality, can stay on top of multiple tasks and can coordinate and organize well then you may just want to consider a career as a medical assistant. This is especially true for people who feel aligned with giving the proper health care and attention that each individual deserves.

It is very important for medical assistants to be compassionate and caring because they interface often with patients and are often the first person that a patient sees upon entering a physician's clinic. This is why coupled with warmth and compassion, medical assistants must also be good communicators. Aside from this, multiple responsibilities that are required of a medical assistant, which is why one must be detail oriented, analytical and loves challenges.

If you feel an affinity and can align yourself with these then a job as a medical assistant is right for you.

What does a medical assistant do? A medical assistant is the caring face and may serve as the personality behind the atmosphere of a medical or healthcare facility. More specific to the medical assistant's job are administrative and clerical tasks.

It is the medical assistant who arranges appointments, fills out a patient's chart and makes sure that these documents are properly files for easy access and documentation. They also perform a variety of bookkeeping front desk tasks.

Aside from these, a medical assistant may also perform basic in-house facility testing like changing wound dressings, administering injections and such. This is why some medical assistants advance in their career by moving on to being a nurse. However not all do this and many indeed do choose to pursue being medical assistants for many years. This is because they find the job lucrative, stable and fulfilling.

The job of a medical assistant is very important and in fact contributes to the level of success of the care for each patient. By taking care of the details of the medical assistant's job, the doctor and other healthcare professionals are able to concentrate more on their jobs.

If so far you feel that a career as a medical assistant is indeed for you, the next step would be to check out learning institutions that offer training and mentoring for people who want to become medical assistants.

Friday, May 7, 2010

All About Medical Supply Sales Careers

The high demand for individuals to fill jobs in the medical field is not brought about by new job opportunities. The demand is actually just fueled by the need for excellent health care services needed by a growing and prospering population. Truth of the matter is, there are no new career offerings in the medical field. There are just more opportunities available now for well established jobs in the medical field and one such example are medical supply sales careers.

Medical supply sales careers are not a new thing. In fact these types of jobs have been present for a long time. The most common type of medical supply sales job is that of the medical representative.

A medical sales representative is employed by a pharmaceutical company and it is these sales reps’ job to call on physicians and pay them visits to give them free samples of the drugs that the pharmaceutical company carries. Medical sales representatives are employed by pharmaceutical companies as a means to deliver targeted marketing to physicians who have the power to prescribe these medications to their patients. This way, pharmaceutical companies can push the sales of their products through the doctors that prescribe them to the patients that need them.

This type of sales tactic is especially successful for marketing and pushing the sales of prescription drugs. This is because mass marketing of prescription drugs is not possible and the best way to push sales of these is by targeting the physicians that can choose to prescribe them to their patients.

Getting into this type of job is especially promising, lucrative and satisfying for those who have an inclination for sales. If you don’t have any sales experience or you’re not sure if a career in sales is for you, don’t despair. A medical supply sales career may still be for you.

Sales people possess excellent communications skills focused on the ability to persuade and convince others into a desired action. In the case of the medical representative of a pharmaceutical company, the sales person needs to convince the physician to choose their type of medication over the rest. To do this, the sales rep needs very good relationship building and management skills. Most medicines in the same category have the same attributes and efficacy so sometimes, it really all boils down to the skill of the medical rep to sell his products effectively.

Given this, particularly good medical sales reps are compensated very well through actual financial perks but also through fringe benefits like a good service car and vacation and leisure packages. This is why many people consider getting into this type of job and decide to stay and advance in their careers here.

These days though, sales careers in medicine are not only confined to sales reps from different pharmaceutical companies trying to sell different prescription and non-prescription drugs to physicians. Medical supply sales careers are more encompassing than that these days as different outfits need more and more individuals to join their dynamic workforce to help push the trial and sales of different medical supplies to different health care facilities.

Medical supply sales careers are now not only offered by pharmaceutical companies but by different medical and health care companies that have good products to sell through targeted sales tactics.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Medical Careers List

There was a time that there were no fields of specialization being a doctor. This has changed so those of you who don’t qualify as a surgeon may still pursue something once you narrow your choices from a medical careers list. Here are some of them to help you on your way.

1. First up is by working as a medical assistant. You can easily get this job after you complete a 1 or a 2 year program from a vocational technical high school, vocational school or community college.

Most of the time, their job is to perform routine administrative and clinical tasks to keep the offices of the doctor running smoothly. They will not examine, diagnose or treat a patient unless they are told to assist by the attending physician.

They will also fill out medical records and forms, handle correspondence, arrange hospital admission, laboratory services, bookkeeping, maintenance and purchase of new supplies and equipment.

2. Let’s say you know someone who has a back problem and going to the doctor has not produced any positive results. If you become a chiropractor, you may be the answer to their prayers as this specialist may make the problem go away for good.

A chiropractor performs their session holistically without the use of any drugs or surgical treatments. To make their treatment more effective, they will advise the patient to make some changes in their lifestyle such as a change in diet, exercise and sleeping habits.

There are times that the chiropractor will have to make a manual adjustment in the spinal column using water, light massage, electric, heat or ultrasound therapy. To make sure it lasts, they may apply braces, tapes and straps.

3. Another medical career that does not involve surgery is occupational therapy. Their job is basically to improve the conditions of a patient who is suffering from something emotionally, mentally or physically so they may once again live happily.

Treatment will vary depending on the patient. In some cases, physical exercises will be used to increase strength, those who suffer from short term memory will be given flash cards to aid in recall while those who have coordination problems will be given an exercise to improve hand and eye coordination.

The occupational therapist may also design special equipment and then teach the patient how to use it.

4. Something closely related to occupational therapy is physical therapy. The job of the practitioner is basically to help the patient become mobile by encouraging the person to use their own muscles to increase their flexibility and motion before engaging in other exercises that will improve balance, coordination, endurance and strength.

Sometimes, the physical therapist may use electrical stimulation hot packs, cold compresses and ultrasound to relieve the pain and reduce the swelling. If the patient is unable to become mobile anymore after losing a leg, they will be taught how to use assistive and adaptive devices such as crutches, prostheses and wheelchairs.

The 4 careers mentioned are just some of the things you can pursue. Of course, you will have to go to school first and get a degree then practice this for some time before you are able to open your own clinic.

If being a medical assistant, chiropractor, physical and occupational therapist is not for you, do some research and find something you are interested in the medical career list.